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Binance Learn & Trade Quiz Answers | Complete Tasks to share $100,0000 in KAVA, XTZ, SANS, & HFT

Binance Learn & Trade

Quiz ANswers

🎁 Reward :  Get Free KAVA, XTZ, SAND, and HFT Token Voucher with reward pools $100,000



- Answer Quiz:

1. What is Kava?

An interoperable Layer 1 with EVM optimized for protocol growth

2. How is Kava optimized for protocol growth?

By being an interoperable Cosmos-Ethereum EVM with streamlined developer resources

3. What is the Tezos blockchain known for?

All of the above

4. The upcoming Lima upgrade will be which number upgrade for the Tezos blockchain?


5. How many Alpha Seasons did The Sandbox host during the year 2022?


6. What was the first avatar collection that The sandbox released?

The Doggies

7. What is unique about trades on Hashflow?

All of the above

8. How do I start trading on Hashflow?

Connect your wallet

📌 Do Task :

- Trade with volume react at at least $500 with pair  KAVA/USDT, KAVA/BUSD, XTZ/USDT, XTZ/BUSD, SAND/USDT, SAND/BUSD, HFT/USDT, HFT/BUSD.

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